At ICE SPORTS N.V, our fact-check team is committed to ensuring the accuracy of the information we publish. We make every effort to verify the content before it goes live on our platform. If we identify errors or inaccuracies, we strive to promptly correct them. Our aim is to provide clear and timely notifications to our readers about the corrections made, either through our social media channels or editor’s notes.
When a correction or clarification is necessary, we take the following steps to ensure transparency and understanding:
1. Updating A Report
We practice adding notes to stories whenever they have been updated. This allows us to inform readers about any significant changes made, including the incorporation of comments or updates from stakeholders.
2. Corrections
Upon recognizing a substantial error in an article, photo caption, headline, graphic, video, or any other material, we promptly release a correction, providing a detailed explanation for the necessary modification. In the case of factual errors in our fact-check articles, we revise the article, provide a new conclusion, and prominently highlight the correction at the top of the article. We also distribute the corrected version across all our social media platforms.
3. Clarification
In situations where our journalism is factually accurate, but the language used to convey the information is unclear or insufficiently detailed, we rewrite the language and include a clarification in the story. Additionally, we use clarifications to acknowledge if we failed to seek a comment or response initially but have since added it to the story.
4. Other Corrections Policies
If a reader identifies an error and posts it in the comment section, our community engagement team will acknowledge the correction in the comments. Similarly, if we publish incorrect information on social networks, we promptly correct it on the respective platform. If we are unable to amend the incorrect information, we retract it.
If you come across a story that you believe is inaccurate, we encourage you to suggest corrections using the “Suggest A Correction” section found at the end of every web-story we publish. Alternatively, you can send your corrections to us via email at (EMAIL). We value the participation of our community members in helping us maintain the highest standards of accuracy and integrity in our content.